Our Mission is to provide restoration, resources, education and essential tools to the individuals that incur hardship in our community. We shall empower, show love and teach them to become self-sufficient while advocating for their needs and human rights.
Our Vision is to improve the quality of life for those individuals that suffer from homelessness, domestic violence and single fathers; one block at a time in our communities. We shall partnership with other business and agencies for resources and make a difference in communities globally.
This grew out of a desire to be a hand that I myself once needed. There are times in our lives when we all need a hand so why not reach out and be that hand?
Larry started out on the Board of Directors but his passion for this work keeps him coming back to serve alongside the team every single day.
"If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else." - Booker T. Washington
I build the tables where everyone is welcome.
What are you doing to make Changes that effect others?
I ask for guidance to help restore hope and encouragement to those in need. And as always I pray to offer love and acceptance to everyone!!
We are a group of individuals from all backgrounds, races, and beliefs that have come together to meet the needs held in common by our houseless neighbors.
We ask for donations from all over the city of Charlotte and surrounding areas that we take out every Sunday morning at 8:30am to what we have officially dubbed as the block on the corner of North Tryon and Montford Point in Uptown Charlotte. We provide clothing, food, tents, sleeping bags, toiletries, socks,shoes, and whatever else we get donated and we share with our neighbors who eventually become part of our family. We also help connect our block family to resources and we encourage them to trust the organizations that are designed to help.
We have recently been able to carry supplies to other blocks including near Northlake, Brookshire, N. Tryon, and Sugar Creek. We are hoping that more will join our team so we can expand our efforts.
Shoes, especially sneakers and boots are like gold on the block and we can definitely use donated shoes for men and women that we see weekly. Also blankets, pop top canned foods, towels, wash cloths, and everyday care items are welcome. Please complete the Contact Us form if you wish to donate and or volunteer or send an email to team@blockloveclt.org